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Media and their locations

Collection profile
The KIT Library covers a broad range of subjects with focuses on mathematics, computer sciences, natural sciences, and engineering.
The library has more than two million printed and electronic books as well as more than 70,000 mostly electronic journals. Besides, there is a wide range of lecture recordings and other audio and video materials.
Whereas KIT-Bibliothek Nord boasts 600,000 research reports, KIT-Bibliothek Süd has a huge collection of textbooks with books often needed being available as multiple copies.
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KIT-Bibliothek Süd (BIB-S)
Reading rooms - "Lesesaal"
At BIB-S, there are four reading rooms where media are freely accessible and arranged systematically according to subject matter:
In these reading rooms, you will find:
Besides, LSG provides the semester reserve collections compiled by the lecturers of KIT. Books in this collection are not lendable during semesters. |
Textbook collection - "Lehrbuchsammlung (LBS)"
LBS provides freely accessible and systematically arranged copies of lendable textbooks.
Closed stack - "Magazin"
Older books and journals are available in the closed stack area. Books and journals from the closed stack can be ordered via the KIT catalog. |
KIT-Bibliothek Nord (BIB-N)
Reading room - "Lesesaal"
At BIB-N, media are freely accessible and arranged systematically according to subject matter. Freely accessible journal volumes (not lendable) are arranged numerically. |
Closed stack - "Magazin"
Older books are available in the closed stack area. Books from the closed stack can be ordered via the KIT catalog. |
Fachbibliothek Chemie (FBC)
Fachbibliothek Chemie
At FBC, all media are freely accessible and arranged systematically according to subject matter. |
Fachbibliothek Physik (FBP)
Fachbibliothek Physik
At FBP, all media are freely accessible and arranged systematically according to subject matter. |
Fachbibliothek HKA (FBH)
Fachbibliothek HKA (FBH)
At FBH, all media are freely accessible and arranged systematically according to subject matter in the silent study zone. The semester reserve collections compiled by the lecturers of HKA are found in a separate shelf. Books in this collection are not lendable during semesters. |
Fachbibliothek DHBW Karlsruhe (FBD)
Fachbibliothek DHBW Karlsruhe
At FBD, all media are freely accessible and arranged systematically according to subject matter. |
How to find the books and journals
All printed books and journals are listed in the KIT catalog. The current availability of a book or journal is indicated via the title summary, or via the detail page, in the "Holdings" tab.
- Books and journals that are not lendable are marked as "not for loan".
- Each medium has an individual number, the so-called "Signatur" (shelfmark). For books or journals that are part of the textbook collection or are found in the reading rooms, "Fachgruppen" (subject groups) are provided in addition.
- The "Signatur" (shelfmark) and "Fachgruppe" (subject group) are written on the back of each medium to help you find the desired items in the shelves.