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Main legal principles
- Rules for the KIT information supply and library system
These rules regulate the conditions under which information supply is organized at KIT.
Other rules and regulations
Main fees
Use of the KIT Library and loans are free. Fees are charged for reminders and special services only. The main fees are listed below:
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Library card
Fee for issuing of library card for one private person: 15.00 euros
Reminder charges
Reminders after expiry of loan period. Reminder charges will be charged to your library account and must be paid without delay.
Delay fees
Delay fees for short-term loans from subject libraries that are not returned in time:
Reminder charges for delayed return of storage containers
Delay fees for locker use
Lockers must not be used longer than:
Fees in the case of loss or damage
Notification per email is free of charge. Notification per mail is 0.90 euros postage, which will be charged to your library account.
Interlibrary loan
Payment of fees
- Fees are paid at pay stations using your library card.
- The KIT-Card or library card are recharged at a cash-to-card machine. A cash-to-card machine (EC card payment) is located at KIT Bibliothek Süd, ground floor, new building.
Location | Payment options | Further information |
KIT-Bibliothek Süd | Pay stations (ground floor, new building) |
Independent payment anytime |
KIT-Bibliothek Nord | Pay station (ground floor) |
Independent payment during opening hours |
Fachbibliothek HKA | Pay station | Independent payment during opening hours |
Fachbibliothek DHBW Karlsruhe | Pay station | Independent payment during opening hours |
KIT Library bank account
IBAN: DE44 6005 0101 7495 5001 49
Reason for payment: Please enter the number of your library card as reason for payment.