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Request for publication

Are you interested in a publication at KIT Scientific Publishing? Then please fill out the following form. We will then get in touch with you.
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For certain types of publication (especially dissertations), publication costs may be incurred at KIT Scientific Publishing. Therefore, please also note the possibility to publish free of charge via the KITopen repository. Information on the Open Access Publications of KIT Scientific Publishing can be found here.

  If you are interested in a non-binding estimate of the publication costs of your publication, please use our price calculator.

1. General Conditions
Please note

Please note the following conditions. You can only publish with KIT Scientific Publishing if these apply to you:

  • You are a member or PhD student at KIT, because publication is only possible for KIT members.
  • Your publication has been prepared according to the guidelines of good scientific practice.
  • As an Open Access publisher, the focus of the publishing activities of KIT Scientific Publishing is on electronic publishing. You are willing to publish your publication with one of the two open CC licenses CC BY or CC BY-SA.
  • Your publication has already been demonstrably quality reviewed or you agree that KIT Scientific Publishing will conduct a peer review process in consultation with you (see FAQ no. 26).
  • An ORCID is mandatory for publication. If you do not already have an ORCID, we recommend generating one via the KITopen repository:
  • You have followed the formatting guidelines of KIT Scientific Publishing.
  • The publisher provides professional publication channels in several final formats (HTML, PDF, EPub). The authors are involved in the production processes. If necessary, the publisher will request your open manuscript files in addition to the print-ready PDF and will involve / support you in revising the manuscript as well as in typesetting work in XML editors.
  • For cumulative dissertations: You already have publication approval from the primary publishers at the time the order is placed. These must allow, among other things, commercial publication and open access publication.
  • The initial publication of your dissertation via KITopen is recommended. Your dissertation will be published within a few days and the notification to the Examination Office will be sent immediately. You will therefore receive your doctoral certificate promptly.
2. Contact
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* Literature form

Has the work already been published in KITopen?
The initial publication of your dissertation via KITopen is recommended.

* Does your book appear as a volume of an institute series?

Only if you are publishing in a series
4. Print Version

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* Desired book format

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