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Media ordering and borrowing

Borrowing of media
- A large part of the books are freely accessible. Except for some items marked "Nicht ausleihbar" (not lendable), you may take such books from the shelves and borrow them.
- Journals must not be lent. Please read or scan them at the library while observing the copyright.
- Please book the borrowed media on your library account before leaving the KIT Library.
Location | Borrowing options | More information |
KIT-Bibliothek Süd | Self-issue terminals (ground floor, new building) |
Booking on one’s own anytime |
KIT-Bibliothek Nord | Information desk (ground floor) |
Booking during opening hours |
Fachbibliothek Chemie | Information desk | Booking during opening hours |
Fachbibliothek Physik | Information desk | Booking during opening hours |
Fachbibliothek HKA | Self-issue terminal | Booking during opening hours |
Fachbibliothek DHBW Karlsruhe | Self-issue terminals | Booking during opening hours |
Reserving and ordering media
Orders from KIT Library
- Books from the reading rooms and the textbook collection can be ordered via the KIT catalog or taken from the shelf by yourself.
- Media with the location “Magazin” (closed stacks) can only be ordered via the KIT catalog.
- To order, select "Place hold" in the title detail page of the KIT catalog, log in with your university account (for members of KIT, HKA and DHBW-KA) or with your library account number and password and choose your desired location of issue.
- You will be notified as soon as the media are ready for pickup. They can be collected within one week.
Orders from other locations
- You can order media from other locations (BIB-S, BIB-N, FBH and FBD) via the KIT catalog to another location of your choice.
- Select "Place hold" in the title detail page of the KIT catalog, log in, and choose your desired location of issue. After that you need to confirm the hold.
- You will be notified as soon as the media are ready for pickup. They can be collected within one week.
- You can reserve media currently on loan free of charge via the KIT catalog.
- Select "Place hold" in the title detail page in the KIT catalog, log in, place your hold and choose your desired location of issue. Based on the number of holds and the priority, you can estimate when the medium will be available for you.
- You will be notified as soon as the media are ready for pickup. They can be collected within one week.
Ordering via the cart and creating lists
- You can save your search results in lists for further use or add several search results to a cart and then place a collective order.
Collecting the ordered media
The desired location of issue can be selected by you during the process of ordering media, and can be inspected afterwards via the catalog function "My account".
Return of media
You do not need your library card for the return of media. Please keep the receipt for possible complaints.
Location | Return options | More information |
KIT-Bibliothek Süd | Self-service return machines (ground floor, new building) |
Return on one’s own anytime |
KIT-Bibliothek Nord | Information desk (ground floor) |
Return during opening hours |
Fachbibliothek Chemie | Information desk | Return during opening hours |
Fachbibliothek Physik | Information desk | Return during opening hours |
Fachbibliothek HKA | Self-service return machine | Return on one’s own during opening hours |
Fachbibliothek DHBW Karlsruhe | Information desk | Return during opening hours |
Storage box (on the left, next to building when viewed from the entrance) |
Return outside opening hours |
Loan periods and renewals
- The loan period is one month.
- The loan period may be extended ten days before expiry at the earliest and at most five times by one month each, provided that the respective media are not reserved or have been reminded more than twice to be returned, and on condition that the library account is not blocked.
- Please make sure to extend loan periods in due time online in your account or by phone.
Chipkarten-Föderation KA-LIB
With the “Chipkarten-Föderation KA-LIB”, the Karlsruhe libraries are expanding their successful collaboration. The participating institutions now recognise each other's library cards. The offer is not only aimed at students, but at all interested citizens. The advantage is that users only have to have one library card in their wallet.
The "Chipkarten-Föderation" was launched in 2013. Today the KIT Library, the Badische Landesbibliothek, the Stadtbibliothek, the library of the University of Education Karlsruhe (PH Karlsruhe), the library of the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe (HKA) and the library of the Duale Hochschule Karlsruhe (DHBW Karlsruhe) are involved.
Check here to find further information about this project.