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Doctoral theses at KIT

Detailed information can also be found on the website "Flyers and tutorials" in the section "Forschen und Publizieren - Dissertationen".
- According to the doctoral regulations of the KIT departments, publishing a doctoral thesis is part of the doctorate.
- The KIT departments allow an exclusively electronic publication either in the KITopen repository or at KIT Scientific Publishing.
- Other publication options vary depending on the respective doctoral regulations.
- Electronic publishing does away with the need of submitting printed copies to the KIT library. In accordance with the doctoral regulations, nothing changes as regards the form and number of the copies submitted to the relevant department, institute, and advisor.
- Publish with embargo (only for electronic dissertations). More information
- If the dissertation may only be published after a time delay due to a patent application or publication in a journal, an application for a publication embargo may be filed.
- The metadata of the dissertation will be published immediately in KITopen, the corresponding full text only after the expiration of the embargo period.
- In most cases, the doctoral certificate will be issued immediately despite the embargo notice.
- Research data generated in connection with the dissertation project can be published and archived for free via KITopen. Research data uploaded via KITopen are automatically transferred to RADAR4KIT in the background and published there. Further information can be found in the tutorial "Institutional Research Data Services at KIT".
Electronic publishing in the KITopen repository
Publishing a doctoral thesis in KITopen
- If you choose to assign a Creative Commons license to your work, please include the license information on the reverse side of the front page of your document before publishing in KITopen.
- Detailed information in the KITopen repository and its services.
Electronic publishing at KIT Scientific Publishing
Publishing a doctoral thesis at KIT Scientific Publishing (inquiry form)
- Includes electronic publishing in the KITopen repository.
- Additional printed copies for authors.
- Worldwide sale via international bookstores (print on demand).
- Detailed information on KSP.
Publishing a doctoral thesis in print
If you choose the printed form for the publication of your dissertation, please send the number of copies specified in the doctoral degree regulations by post to:
KIT-Bibliothek Süd
Abteilung Publikations- und Mediendienste
Straße am Forum 2
76131 Karlsruhe
Please send the "Statement on the Submission of a Doctoral Thesis" required by the doctoral regulations by e-mail to: KITopen-Diss@bibliothek.kit.edu
Upon receipt of the copies, we will send the confirmation of submission directly to the Dean's Office of your faculty and to the Student Service.
Publishing and archiving research data from dissertation projects
Publishing and archiving research data from dissertation projects
- Research data from dissertation projects of all disciplines and data types can be published for free in KITopen. Detailed information
- Research data can be uploaded with the dissertation or later on, directly in KITopen. If your KIT account is not valid anymore, authentication is also possible directly through this registration form.