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Seatfinder - Available study spaces
Seatfinder shows the current allocation of study spaces at the KIT, HsKA, DHBW-KA and the BLB Karlsruhe. Please refer to Seatfinder to find a vacant study space.

About Seatfinder
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How does Seatfinder work?
The number of currently either occupied or vacant study spaces is automatically evaluated every five minutes at most of our locations by counting the number of devices logged into the network at the WLAN access points and – if available – by the number of occupied ethernet ports in the respective area.
The evaluation method is based on a machine learning algorithm that uses manual counting or estimations by library staff as training data. At some locations the number of network connections cannot be determined automatically for technical reasons, in which case the displayed occupancy rate is based solely on manual count.
If the currently displayed occupancy data is older than 10 minutes, the duration of time passed since the last data collection is shown under "Stand".
Privacy protection
Seatfinder does not gather data on individual network-compatible devices but only the total number of devices at the respective location. Therefore it isn’t possible to conclude any information about the location of a device or user by the data collected for Seatfinder.
Arrows indicate the development of occupied study spaces during half an hour prior to the currently displayed occupancy rate.
Opening hours
The displayed opening hours apply for today and the next six days.