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KIT Library is well attended by many users who want to concentrate on their studies. In order to maintain an appropriate atmosphere there are special rules that everybody must follow.



General rules

  • The library facilities may only be used for learning and research purposes.
  • Please be quiet.
  • Reading rooms are supposed to be quiet. Quiet conversations are allowed in our textbook collection. Please also think about the group working rooms when having conversations. Libary user must not be distracted.
  • Please turn off the audio on your cell phones and notebooks.
  • If you need to make a phone call please find an appropriate place (e.g. staircase).
  • In the reading rooms in the new building (LSW, LST and LSG) time discs will be handed out during exam times. Please use them!
  • In the learning areas in the old building, the following applies: Whoever reserves has priority.
  • You may enjoy beverages in closed containers.
  • Please refrain from eating in the reading rooms. You may have snacks in our cafeteria on the ground floor or in the basement.
  • Don’t write notes or remarks in the books.
  • Please put any material you no longer need back onto their appropriate shelves.
  • Please keep all study and work areas clean.
  • Please respect our staff.

More details are provided in the library regulations.

The most important pictograms

When entering the library pictograms will refer you to the appropriate behavior. These are the most important pictograms and their meanings:


Pictogram Meaning
Pictogram Please be quiet
Pictogram Food and drinks are allowed
Pictogram Food and drinks are prohibited
Pictogram Smelly or warm food is prohibited

Contact and further information

Grafik "Allegemeine Spielregeln in der KIT-Bibliothek" KIT
Library Rules