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The KIT supports open access publications of KIT scientists by covering the article processing charges (APCs).
Foto/Grafik KIT-PublikationsfondsKIT



Funding by the KIT Publication Fund

KIT encourages Open Access publishing of its scientists by paying publication fees ("Article Processing Charges", APCs) in pure Open Access journals (so-called "Golden Way"). All publications financed by KIT Publication Fund are also published by the KIT Library in the KITopen repository..

APCs can often be paid as part of project funding, e.g. by the DFG or the EU. Please check this possibility in advance and, if necessary, consider corresponding funds already in your project proposal.

Applying for funding

Submit your publication to the Gold Open Access journal of your choice and apply for funding through KIT Publication Fund. After checking by the Publication Fund team, you will receive a reply if the costs will be covered and, if necessary, further information.

Applying for funding

If you have any questions about KIT Publication Fund please contact the team "Publication Fund".

Eligibility requirements

If the following criteria are met, the publication fees will be covered by KIT Publication Fund:

  • The submitting / corresponding author is an employee of KIT and has the mail domain
  • The article is published in a journal whose entire content is accessible free of charge in full and immediately upon publication via the internet ("pure open access journal").
  • The article may be made freely accessible on an institutional repository immediately upon publication (without embargo period) in the version published by the publisher.
  • The article is published under a Creative Commons license (CC license, ideally CC BY). The publisher does not charge an additional charge for CC licensing. In accordance with the DFG, KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.
  • The journal applies the recognized quality assurance procedures (peer review) in the respective subject. An overview of these journals is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals.

Not eligible for funding:

  • Articles that can be made freely accessible for an additional fee when published in a subscription-based journal (so-called "hybrid journals"). Please note our Publish & Read agreements with individual publishers, under which publications in their hybrid journals can be published Open Access.
  • Articles that are subject to an embargo period.
  • Publication fees that can be paid from third-party funded projects.
  • Additional costs such as page charges, color charges, cover charges, etc. are not covered and must be paid by the authors themselves.

Informations on specific publishers

The KIT Library has agreements with the following publishers. On request, APCs for publications with these publishers can be accepted in accordance with the conditions of the KIT Publication Fund.

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Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Under the existing "Publish & Read Agreement" with the publisher ACM, corresponding authors of KIT have the opportunity to publish their articles in the publisher's hybrid and Gold OA journals without a cap on the number of articles in the Open Access model. No separate Article Processing Charges (APCs) are charged for publications in the Gold journals. The costs are covered by KIT library.

Further information can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

If the publisher offers different licenses in the submission dialog, KIT Library recommends the science-friendly licenses CC BY or CC BY SA.

Cambridge University Press (CUP)

Under the existing "Publish & Read Agreement" with the publisher Cambridge University Press, corresponding authors of KIT have the opportunity to publish their publications in the publisher's hybrid and gold OA journals without a cap on the number of articles in the open access model. No separate Article Processing Charges (APCs) are charged for publications in Gold journals. The costs are covered by KIT library.

The agreement covers the following publication types: Research Articles, Review Articles and Rapid Communications as well as Brief Reports and Case Reports.

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions (German | English). Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

If the publisher offers different licenses in the submission dialog, KIT Library recommends the science-friendly licenses CC BY or CC BY SA.


Corresponding authors of KIT can apply for funding of their publication costs in journals of Copernicus Publishers by KIT Publication Fund.

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

If the publisher offers different licenses in the submission dialog, KIT Library recommends the science-friendly licenses CC BY or CC BY SA.

Elsevier (DEAL)

Under the DEAL contract with Elsevier, corresponding authors of KIT receive a 20% discount on the publication fees (APCs) in the pure Gold OA journals. The APCs will be paid by KIT library upon request according to the conditions of KIT Publication Fund.

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please enter KIT as the associated institution in the submission dialog and, if possible, use the mail domain for the submission.

Elsevier offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

A second component of the DEAL contract with Elsevier concerns publications in the publisher's hybrid journals. Here it is possible for KIT corresponding authors to publish articles as open access publications. The costs are covered by the KIT Library. Details can be found on the "Publish & Read" website.


Corresponding authors of KIT receive a 15% discount on the publication charges (APCs) in journals of Frontiers Publishers. The APCs will be paid by KIT Library upon request according to the conditions of KIT Publication Fund.

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

If the publisher offers different licenses in the submission dialog, KIT Library recommends the science-friendly licenses CC BY or CC BY SA.

International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)

Under the existing "Publish & Read Agreement" with the International Society for Optics and Photonics corresponding authors of KIT have the opportunity to publish their publications in the publisher's gold OA journals without a cap on the number of articles in the open access model. No separate Article Processing Charges (APCs) are charged for publications in Gold journals. The costs are covered by KIT library.

Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible. The SPIE Journal Submission Guide contains all relevant information on the submission process. Please pay attention to the highlighted sections in the "Open Access" section.

If the publisher offers different licenses in the submission dialog, KIT Library recommends the science-friendly licenses CC BY or CC BY SA.

IOP Publishing

Under the existing "Publish & Read Agreement" with the publisher IOP Publishing, corresponding authors of KIT have the opportunity to publish their publications in the Gold OA journals of the publisher without a cap on the number of articles in the open access model. No separate Article Processing Charges (APCs) are charged for publications in the Gold journals. The costs are covered by KIT Library.

The agreement covers the publication type "primary research article" (incl. "research papers", "special issue articles", "letters" and "review articles").

The following journals charge additional page charges in addition to the publication fees:

  • Applied Physics Express and Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
  • Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific

These additional charges are not financed by the literature budget of the KIT Library, but have to be paid by the authors themselves.

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

If the publisher offers different licenses in the submission dialog, KIT Library recommends the science-friendly licenses CC BY or CC BY SA.

Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)

Corresponding authors of KIT can apply for funding of their publication costs in journals of MDPI Publishers by KIT Publication Fund. They receive a 30% discount.

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

If the publisher offers different licenses in the submission dialog, KIT Library recommends the science-friendly licenses CC BY or CC BY SA.

Microbiology Society

Under the existing "Publish & Read Agreement" with the Microbiology Society, corresponding authors of KIT have the opportunity to publish their publications in the hybrid and Gold OA journals of the publisher without a cap on the number of articles in the open access model. No separate Article Processing Charges (APCs) are charged for publications in the Gold journals. The costs are covered by KIT Library.

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

If the publisher offers different licenses in the submission dialog, KIT Library recommends the science-friendly licenses CC BY or CC BY SA.

Optica (formerly OSA)

The publisher Optica (formerly OSA) charges an additional charge on the science-friendly CC BY license. KIT does not wish to support this type of licensing policy, but at the same time does not want to completely exclude support for publications in the publisher's open access journals. Publications by KIT corresponding authors are therefore funded up to the limit of e.g. "up to 15 published pages" upon application by the KIT Publication Fund if they are provided with a CC BY license. KIT Library recommends that authors do not pay the additional charge, but instead refer to the requirements of the KIT Publication Fund when dealing with the publisher. If an article is not published under a CC BY license, no funding can be provided by KIT Publication Fund.

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

Public Library of Science (PLoS)

There is a "Direct Billing Agreement" with Public Library of Science (PLoS) for central processing of publication costs via KIT Library.

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

If the publisher offers different licenses in the submission dialog, KIT Library recommends the science-friendly licenses CC BY or CC BY SA.

Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

Under the existing "Publish & Read Agreement" with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) corresponding authors of KIT have the opportunity to publish their publications in the Gold OA journals of the publisher without a cap on the number of articles in the open access model. No separate Article Processing Charges (APCs) are charged for publications in the Gold journals. The costs are covered by KIT Library.

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

If the publisher offers different licenses in the submission dialog, KIT Library recommends the science-friendly licenses CC BY or CC BY SA.

SAGE Publishing

Corresponding authors of KIT can apply for funding of their publication costs in about 200 Gold OA journals of SAGE Publishing by KIT Publication Fund. They receive a 20% discount on the publication charges.

The submission system in the SAGE Open Access Portal should automatically recognize when the invoice is created if the Corresponding Author belongs to an authorized institution, so that the 20% discount is automatically deducted. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible

If the publisher offers different licenses in the submission dialog, KIT Library recommends the science-friendly licenses CC BY or CC BY SA.

Here you can find further information about the submission process.

Science Advances – AAAS

Corresponding authors of KIT can apply for funding of their publication costs in journals of American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) by KIT Publication Fund. They receive a 15% discount on publications in the Gold OA journal "Science Advances".

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

If the publisher offers different licenses in the submission dialog, KIT Library recommends the science-friendly licenses CC BY or CC BY SA.

Springer (DEAL) & Nature Branded

Under the DEAL agreement with SpringerNature, corresponding authors of KIT receive a 20% discount on the publication fees (APCs) in pure Gold OA journals – this also applies to the Nature Branded Gold OA journals. The APCs will be paid by KIT Library upon request according to the conditions of KIT Publication Fund.

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

Springer Nature offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

A second component of the DEAL agreement with Springer Nature concerns publications in the publisher's hybrid journals ("Springer Open Choice"). Here it is possible for KIT‘s corresponding authors to publish articles Open Access. Details can be found on the website "Publish & Read".

Taylor & Francis

Corresponding authors of KIT can apply for funding of their publication costs in pure Gold OA journals („Gold, Full Open Journals“) of Taylor & Francis. They receive a 15% discount on the publication fees (APCs). The APCs will be paid by KIT library upon request according to the conditions of KIT Publication Fund.

The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your mail address if possible.

Taylor & Francis offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

A second component of the agreement with Taylor& Francis concerns publications in the publisher's hybrid journals ("Open Select"). Here it is possible for KIT‘s corresponding authors to publish articles Open Access. The costs are covered by KIT library. Details can be found on the website "Publish & Read".

Trans Tech Publications (TTP) / Scientific.Net

Under the existing "Publish & Read Agreement" with Trans Tech Publications (TTP) / Scientific.Net corresponding authors of KIT have the opportunity to publish their publications in the Gold Open Access journals Engineering Innovations (EI) and Engineering Chemistry (EC) without a cap on the number of articles in the open access model. No separate Article Processing Charges (APCs) are charged for publications in the Gold journals. The costs are covered by KIT Library.

The individual steps for submission under the Publish & Read agreement with Trans Tech Publications (TTP) / Scientific.Net can be found in the publisher's instructions. Please indicate your affiliation with KIT during the submission process and use your email address if possible.

Trans Tech Publications (TTP) / Scientific.Net [] offers the license CC BY to authors during the submission process. With this license the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of license you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

Wiley (DEAL)

Under the DEAL agreement with Wiley, corresponding authors of KIT receive a 20% discount on the publication fees (APCs) in pure Gold OA journals. The APCs will be paid by KIT Library upon request according to the conditions of KIT Publication Fund.

When submitting your article, please enter or select the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology as the authorized institution and the account code D402. The individual steps for submission can be found in the publisher's instructions. The APCs will be paid by KIT library upon request according to the conditions of KIT Publication Fund.

Wiley offers different kinds of licences to authors during the submission process. KIT Library recommends the licences CC BY or CC BY SA. With these licences the publisher only receives non-exclusive rights of use and the authors still keep all copyrights / rights of use without restrictions – including the option of granting non-exclusive rights of use to a third party. If you choose another type of licence you might transfer the exclusive rights of use to the publisher - with a corresponding loss of rights on the authors side.

A second component of the DEAL contract with Wiley concerns publications in the publisher's hybrid journals ("Wiley OnlineOpen"). The costs are covered by KIT library. Details can be found on the website "Publish & Read".

Contact and further information