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- Lernzentrum am Fasanenschlösschen (LAF)
- InformatiKOM
- Fachbibliothek Architektur (FBA)
- Fachbibliothek Chemie (FBC)
- Fachbibliothek Informatik (FBI)
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- Other libraries at KIT
- Projects, Publications and Collaborations
- Exhibitions, meetings and events
- Past exhibitions
- Exhibition "Einsichten + Aussichten"
- Exhibition Hohentieffen (2024)
- Exhibition "Nothülfe gegen Mangel aus Mißwachs" (2023)
- Exhibition Schön verlegt (2020)
- Exhibition Das Bauhaus, ein Mythos in Büchern (2019)
- Exhibition MaterialArchitecture (2018)
- Exhibition Encyclopedia. Narrating. Knowledge. (2016)
- Exhibition 175 years KIT Library (2015)
- Exhibition 10 Years KIT Scientific Publishing (2014)
- August Lorent Exhibition (2014)
- Karl Weltzien Exhibition (2013)
- Carl Benz Exhibition (2011)
- Exhibition 150 Years Congress of Chemists in Karlsruhe (2010)
- Past exhibitions
- KIT Archives & Document management