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How is the KIT Publication Fund financed?
Funding is provided by the acquisition budget of KIT library. As the number of OA publications by KIT authors increases, the funds will be successively reallocated from there. |
What are APCs (Article Processing Charges)?
Article Processing Charges (APCs) are fees that are charged for the Open Access publication of an article in OA journals. These APCs are financed by the author, their institute or the KIT Publication Fund (considering the eligibility requirements). |
Who or what is the "submitting" or "corresponding author"?
The "submitting" or "corresponding author" is usually responsible for the article during the publication process and also acts as a contact person. In this function, the submitting or corresponding author or their institution is responsible for financial matters. |
What is meant by the "Golden Way" or "Diamond Open Access"?
Pursuing the "Golden Way", APCs are charged for publication in an Open Access journal (see above), which are financed by the author, their institute or the KIT Publication Fund. With "Diamond Open Access" there are no costs for authors. Funding is provided within the infrastructure of the scientific community. |
My article is to be published Open Access in a subscription journal (hybrid model). Is funding possible via the KIT Publication Fund?
No. KIT Publication Fund does not support the publication of individual articles in a subscription journal. KIT has special contracts with several publishers. These Publish & Read contracts (or PAR contracts) allow corresponding authors of participating institutions to publish their articles Open Access with no extra cost. This offer is valid for articles in hybrid journals of the relevant publishers. Details of the various agreements can be found here. |
My article appears in a subscription journal - in six months it will be available Open Access. Is funding via the KIT Publication Fund possible?
No. Articles that are available Open Access only after an embargo period will not be funded. |
I would like to publish in a purely open access journal. However, there are additional costs for granting a CC license. Will the costs still be covered by the KIT Publication Fund?
No. No additional fees may be charged by the publisher for CC licensing. KIT does not wish to support this type of licensing policy. If in doubt, please contact us for a consultation at openaccess∂bibliothek.kit.edu. |
The article was written as part of a third-party funded project. Does KIT Publication Fund cover the costs?
Resources for the publication of research results should already be applied for in the project application. If the third-party funds are not sufficient for the publication fees, the remaining costs can be financed by KIT Publication Fund. |
Are articles in "mirror journals" funded?
No. In its funding guidelines, the DFG excludes the funding of articles in "mirror journals". Funding via KIT Publication Fund is therefore not possible. |
What criteria are used to check whether a peer review procedure is applied to the journal?
The peer review procedure of a journal cannot be checked by the KIT library. The listing of the journal in the "Directory of Open Access Journals" (DOAJ) gives an indication of whether and, if so, which peer review procedure is used. |
Does KIT Library check the quality of the article content?
No. The publisher or journal is responsible for checking the quality of the content of an article. However, the existence of a review process is a funding criterion of KIT Publication Fund. |
What is the correct billing address?
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) The invoice must be sent directly to FIMA by the invoicing party. The e-mail address is: rechnung∂fima.kit.edu. |
What is KIT's tax number / VAT number?
DE266749428 Please be sure to quote this number for foreign publishers, otherwise the VAT of the publishing country will be charged. |
What is a PSP element / cost center?
The PSP element or cost center is a number associated with the overall funds of your institute. There is usually a separate PSP element / cost center for externally funded projects. If you do not know the number, your secretary can help you. |
What documents must be submitted for funding via the KIT Publication Fund?
The author must complete the "Application for Funding" form before the costs can be covered. Once the form has been checked, you will receive an e-mail from us confirming or rejecting the funding. |
Does the KIT Publication Fund guarantee to cover the costs before the article is submitted?
Please note that our funding commitment is subject to the proviso that the publishing conditions do not change and that the funding conditions are still met when the invoice is issued. |
Is there a limit to the number of articles an author may submit in one year?
No. |
Is there an upper limit for the assumption of publication costs?
No. The KIT Publication Fund currently (as of 01.01.2024) covers the entire publication fees. |
The invoice has already been paid by the institute. Is it still possible for the KIT Publication Fund to cover the costs retrospectively?
If the formal funding criteria are met, the costs can also be covered retrospectively by the KIT Publication Fund. Please contact us directly for processing: openaccess∂bibliothek.kit.edu. |
Where can I find further information on Open Access?
You can find further information on Open Access at KIT on our website under "Publishing for KIT Scientists". |