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Kurse, Seminare, Führungen und sonstige Veranstaltungen der KIT-Bibliothek

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Introduction to literature searching
Monday, 26 June 2017, 15:30-17:00
This course offers a step-by-step introduction to academic literature searching.
Course structure:
- Preparing a literature search
- Choosing suitable search instruments
- Conducting a literature search (focus on library catalogs)
- Obtaining literature
- Evaluating search results
- Managing sources
Please use the online form (“Zur Online-Anmeldung”) below to register. The course will be conducted in English.
Tag(s): BIB-S
Straße am Forum 2
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608-43109 / -43111
Mail: infokompetenz ∂does-not-exist.bibliothek kit edu
Straße am Forum 2
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608-43109 / -43111
Mail: infokompetenz ∂does-not-exist.bibliothek kit edu