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Internet access, accessing and using licensed electronic media

KIT Library offers various ways of internet access. For accessing and using licensed electronic media specific regulations may apply for members of KIT, HKA or DHBW-KA.
Foto InternetzugangKIT




Internet access

Wireless internet access is possible via the networks of KIT, HKA or DHBW-KA or the international roaming service eduroam. External users can use KA-WLAN, a free public wireless network for the city of Karlsruhe.

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KIT, HKA, and DHBW-KA networks
  • Internet PCs inside KIT-Bibliothek Süd.

   Registered private users can access our e-media range on these PCs only.

  • Own notebook inside KIT, HKA or DHBW-KA
    Connect to the wireless network of the respective institution.

    For details, please refer to:

  • PC/notebook outside of KIT, HKA or DHBW-KA. Registration is via VPN.

    For details, please refer to:


If you are matriculated or employed at another university or research institution, you may use the international roaming service eduroam.

For details, please refer to:

   With eduroam, you have no access to the licensed electronic media of the KIT Library.


Users who cannot access the networks of KIT, HKA, DHBW-KA or eduroam, have the possibility to use KA-WLAN. KA-WLAN is a free public wireless network for the city of Karlsruhe, which is available at many institutions of education and public places within the city. Further information

   With KA-WLAN you have no access to the licensed electronic media of the KIT Library.


Access to licensed electronic media

For access to licensed electronic media of the KIT Library, you need to be connected to KIT, HKA or DHBW-KA or authenticate yourself to Shibboleth.

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KIT, HKA and DHBW-KA networks
  • For further information see "Internet access" above
  • The authentification process may differ depending on the provider, usually the use terms such as "Institution Login", "Athens", or "Shibboleth". After clicking on the respective link, please select "German Higher Education" and/or "DFN-AAI" and choose your institution (KIT, HKA or DHBW-KA). Authentification is possible with your KIT account (SCC), your RZ account (HKA) or your DHBW-KA account. For details, please refer to:


Using licensed electronic media

KIT Library has concluded license agreements for the use of subscription-based electronic resources with several publishers and database providers. There are separate agreements for KIT, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HKA) and Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University Karlsruhe (DHBW-KA).

In addition to library regulations of the KIT Library and copyright laws, the terms and conditions of the providers apply as specified on their respective websites. By accessing the electronic content, the user agrees to them.

General rules:

  • Full texts of articles may be printed or archived for personal use and for the purposes of research and teaching only. The systematic download of articles, electronic books or search results, in particular by robots or similar software, is prohibited.
  • The contents must not be distributed neither in electronic nor printed form, nor used for commercial purposes.
  • Publishers’ limits on printing or downloading, e.g. within one browser session, have to be complied with. Notably, it is prohibited to print and copy entire books by randomly generated browser session sequences.

  In the event of non-compliance with the terms and conditions, online access could permanently be deactivated for individual users or even the entire institution (KIT, HKA or DHBW-KA).


Problems with accessing or using electronic media?

Unfortunately there can be problems with access to electronic media sometimes. Possible reasons for that are technical failures of servers, unannounced modifications of access regulations, network problems etc. KIT Library aims to fix technical faults and disturbances as soon as possible. Please notify the KIT Library about any malfunctions.   
  For access to some electronic media it is required that the browser accepts cookies. In this case, please check the settings of your browser.  

Contact and further information