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Short biography
Michael Mönnich was Deputy Director and head of the KIT Library's Department of User Services. He was a member of the Joint Building Commission of dbv and VDB ("Gemeinsame Baukommission des dbv und VDB") and of the LIBER Architecture Group (LAG).
After studies in chemistry, pharmacy and history of pharmacy he received a PhD in 1989 at the University of Heidelberg. He completed his trainee ship for the higher library service in Karlsruhe and the FHBD (today Institute for Information Science) in Cologne. He works at KIT Library since 1991 in various positions.
Michael Mönnich teaches "History of Chemistry" at KIT and "History of Pharmacy" as honorary professor at the University of Tübingen. He is chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Pharmaceutical Central Library (Pharmazeutische Zentralbibliothek) in Stuttgart, director of the Hermann-Schelenz-Institut, Heidelberg and chairman of the Baden Regional Group of the German Society for the History of Pharmacy (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Pharmazie). He also heads the editorial board of the international "Pharmaziehistorische Bibliographie (PhB)" and is also on the editorial board of the journal "Geschichte der Pharmazie". He is a member of the Académie Internationale d'Histoire de la Pharmacie (AIHP) and of the board of the division for history of chemistry within the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh).