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Service restrictions due to migration of the library system

15.11.2023 -
From 15.11.2023, interlibrary loans are expected to be discontinued approximately until 05.12.2023. In urgent cases, members of KIT, HKA and DHBW Karlsruhe can order interlibrary loans by mail (infodesk∂bibliothek.kit.edu).
The migration will mainly take place in the period from 30.11.-03.12.2023. Lending books and other services of the KIT Library will then be temporarily unavailable (for a detailed overview, see below). During this period, extended loan periods apply.
04.12.2023 -
As of 04.12.2023, user operations will initially be restarted in KIT-Bibliothek Süd. From 06.12.2023, the KIT-Bibliothek Nord, Fachbibliotheken Hochschule Karlsruhe and DHBW Karlsruhe as well as the subject libraries on South Campus will follow step by step.
There may be delays in the resumption of operations.
We kindly ask for your understanding!
Detailed information
Services that will not be available during migration
From 15.11.2023, interlibrary loans are expected to be discontinued approximately until 05.12.2023. In urgent cases, members of KIT, HKA and DHBW Karlsruhe can order interlibrary loans by mail (infodesk ∂does-not-exist.bibliothek kit edu).
From 30.11.-03.12.2023 From 30.11.-03.12.2023, the following services will temporarily NOT be available:
- Ordering / reservation / borrowing / renewal / return of literatire , storage containers, lockers and standing desks
- Payment of fees
- Library discharge notices for de-registrations
- New registrations for library accounts
- Log-in at permanently installed PCs in the library
- Printing on the PCs in the library reading rooms
- Submission of literature acquisition requests
In December the service hours of the main information desk in KIT-Bibliothek Süd will be temporarily changed as follows:
- Mon – Thu 9 am - 5 pm
- Fri 9 am - 3 pm
Contact and further information
Services that will be available despite the migration
- Access to the libraries and reading room areas
- Reservation and use of study spaces
- Research in the previous KIT catalog Classic and access to electronic resources (e-books, e-journals, databases, etc.)
- Reference service at the information desks or via chat