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Kurse, Seminare, Führungen und sonstige Veranstaltungen der KIT-Bibliothek

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Open Consultation hours Research Data Management (RDM)
Tuesday, 15 April 2025, 11:00-12:00
Do you have any questions about research data management (RDM), such as:
- What requirements research funders demand of RDM
- What you need to bear in mind when working with sensitive data
- Which local IT services are available at KIT
- How you can publish your research data and make it available in the long term and
- What is relevant to know about FAIR data and metadata.
The support team RDM@KIT offers open consultation hours every 3rd Tuesday per month. RDM consultation is available in both languages, in English and German.
Join the following Zoom Meeting:
Everyone is welcome!
If the date is inconvenient for you, you can also contact the support team RDM@KIT directly: contact ∂does-not-exist.rdm kit edu
Serviceteam RDM@KIT
Serviceteam RDM@KIT
Sabine Grindler
KIT-ON - KIT Office Network
Tel: +49 721 608-24504
Mail: kit office network kern ∂does-not-exist.lists kit edu
Sabine Grindler
KIT-ON - KIT Office Network
Tel: +49 721 608-24504
Mail: kit office network kern ∂does-not-exist.lists kit edu