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The KIT Scientific Publishing team heartily congratulates Professor Thomas Jordan and Dr Alexei Kotchourko on the launch of their new Diamond Open Access Journal, Hydrogen Safety. The journal is supported and funded by the International Association for Hydrogen Safety (HySafe).
Hydrogen Safety is a new quality-assured international scientific journal that addresses the existing gap in the publication channels on the topic of Hydrogen safety.
KIT Scientific Publishing supports the academic community in establishing an independent, scholar-led editorial board that has full autonomy in shaping editorial policies while following the recommendations of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Universal and easy accessibility is also a primary focus. Hydrogen Safety is a Diamond Open Access Journal that not only provides free access for all readers but is also free of charge for authors. The authors who want to publish original, high-quality research are not hindered or excluded because of financial constraints from high Article Processing Charges (APC).
The published articles are available as PDF as well as in XML formats. The XML rendering in browsers also allows for changes in font sizes and enables the translation of the article’s content.
For information on 'flipping' or starting a journal, visit us here. If you have any questions, feel free to send us an email at diamond ∂does-not-exist.ksp kit edu.