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My personal data management - following good scientific practice with the help of FAIR Data
Diese Veranstaltung wird als Online Seminar stattfinden!
Alle angemeldeten Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer werden rechtzeitig vorab per E-Mail über den Ablauf informiert.
The FAIR principles aim at optimally preparing research data for humans and machines and making them accessible. They are also important building blocks when it comes to implementing good scientific practice.
If practices of research data management are analogous to the FAIR principles, e.g. by documenting research data with metadata, this contributes to usability, discoverability and accessibility of research results.
Ideally, when researchers are applying FAIR principles to their research data, research processes become more efficient, research results become traceable, new research questions arise, and collaborations get smoother.
This webinar briefly introduces you to research data management and shows how you can implement FAIR principles in your everyday research through your own personal data management.
Tag(s): BIB-S, BIB-N, FBH, FBD
Dr. Kerstin Wedlich-Zachodin
Straße am Forum 2
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 721 608-43109 / -43111
E-Mail: infokompetenz ∂ bibliothek kit edu