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Seatfinder list

Current occupancy of study and working spaces (single study spaces)
Location and Area Occupied | Free Open**
Logo KIT KIT-Bibliothek Süd and KIT-Bibliothek Nord
  Lesesaal* Geisteswissenschaften
3rd floor, new building
  Lesesaal*  Medienzentrum
3rd floor, old building
with the reservation of a time slot
  Lesesaal* Technik
2nd floor, new building
  Lesesaal* Naturwissenschaften
2nd floor, old building
with the reservation of a time slot
  Lesesaal* Wiwi und Informatik
1st floor, new building
Ground floor/1st floor, old building
with the reservation of a time slot
  KIT-Bibliothek Nord***
Logo KITKIT-Campus Süd: InformatiKOM
  Lernplatz 3rd floor
  Lernplatz 2nd floor
  Stillarbeitsraum 1st floor
  Lernplatz 1st floor
  Lernplatz ground floor
Logo KITKIT-Campus Süd: Subject libraries and other facilities
  Fachbibliothek Chemie
  Fachbibliothek Physik
  Lernzentrum am
  Fachbibliothek Architektur
  Fachbibliothek Informatik
  Fachbibliothek Mathematik
Logo KarlsruheKarlsruhe: Other libraries and facilitiesn
  Fachbibliothek HKA
  Fachbibliothek DHBW Karlsruhe
  Badische Landesbibliothek
  Badische Landesbibliothek

Grafik Occupied   Grafik Free   Grafik Closed   Grafik No details

(▷)▷/(◁)◁ (rapidly) increasing/decreasing occupancy  24/7 Open daily 24 hours

*    Lesesaal = Reading room; Lehrbuchsammlung = Textbook collection.
**  The opening hours indicated are valid for today and for the next 6 days.
*** Detailed information on access to Campus North).